Asalaamu 3alaykum wa ra7matulaah wa barakaatuh
I feel truly ashamed but i have to ask this question:
i haven’t been fasting for many many years, i don’t even know how many months i missed, since 1993/1994 i fasted 1 day here and couple days there and that’s it. i feel really ashamed of myself as a muslim woman..every since i left my muslim country, i neglected Ramadan and prayers..i recently decided to change my life around, i m repenting everyday sometimes i cry when i remember all the sins i have committed ..can you please help me out and tell me how is it possible to make up for those many many months i willingly missed Ramadan fasting? is it even possible to make up for all these time?
wa `alaykum salam,
You are required to make up the days of fasting you missed and keep asking Allah swt for forgiveness. If you cannot bear fasting, in that case you are to feed an indigent for each day missed.
Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago