Assalamu aleikum!
I’d like to know whether it is allowed not to rinse the mouth in wudu during Ramadan to avoid occasional swallowing of its remains – I constantly have doubts about it
I have read on this topic that rinsing the mouth is obligatory – rukn -only during total ablution – gusul – and it is only a sunnat – in wudu (non-obligatory) Still I have some doubts about it. If I clean my teeth before dawn I don’t have any smell phlegm or dental plaque in my mouth the whole day
And the second question is if it is allowed to take a shower including head and hair if your gusul is not broken (you have no reason to renew gusul) and if the total shower is necessary only for hygiene
wa `alaykum salam,
Please see the Post “Washing the mouth in fasting“.