There is a boy who is Hindu and we wish to marry. We’ve known each other for 10 years. I told him I can’t marry him unless he becomes Muslim and he agreed to become Muslim. Little by little I am trying to guide him into our path but I know he still believes in his religion and practices it. Shaykh is there a prayer you can advise for me so that Allah (swt) will open up his heart and guide him to our reality so that he converts with his heart? Also can you advise me on how to go about teaching him where he will understand the religion easily?
Recite daily seven times in your du`as (for example after each prayer): “Allahumma Muqallib al-qulub thabbit qulubana `ala dinika”
اللهم مقلب القلوب ثبت قلوبنا على دينك
He will not understand through discussions but by meeting a Prophetic inheritor and seeing him in action.
Hajj Gibril Haddad