Prayer Request: I wish to marry her


Sallam shayk, I am dating a christain am in love with her . Her family refused me to marry her due to religion and I fear if I marry her I might loose my childrento Christianity. I am not too strong in my deen /salat as well so I want to opt out of the relationship for a better muslim Some months back . I met a muslim girl with a strong religious zeal and aqeedah .I have made my intention known to her but heart is closed for any man due to her past . If I marry this girl , she would make me a better muslim and my children to come also. Sheik am in love with her and I sincerely really want to marry her for my religion . Please do advise me if I can recite dua of hazrat dawood to make her love me ?


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
There is general permission to recite the Dua of Sayyidina Dawood (as), which should help in your case inshaa-Allah. You may proceed as listed here.


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