Prayer Request: Losing faith (1)



I hope this letter finds you well. There have been alot of issues regarding islam on my mind and i have come to a point where I perhaps no longer believe. I’ll describe how I’ve arrived at this stage and hope you can answer my dilemma:

1. For the past year or 2, whenever i stand for prayers, this question comes to my mind. What are you doing? Why are reciting verses in a language that is foreign to you ? I tried looking to the side saying “Aoo zu billah” and spitting thrice, but that doesnt help either. This isnt like someone whispering to me, its just a curious thought that comes to mind.



Salam `alaykum,

Believe because the Holy Prophet speaks truth. Whenever bad thoughts come to you think of him and say to him: “Ya Habibi, My Beloved, I love you and I will run to you.” In your last sajda ask Allah for strength.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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