I have been suffering with OCD since I was young…I suffered a high level of anxiety and depression due to which my half of hairs have gone grey and my eyes have gone blurred where as I am only [private] years old. I have a weird fear in my heart. I have a thought process influenced with anxiety and fear. I am suffering with repetitive thoughts which are useless and I want to get rid of them but I can’t. I am living a very miserable life. I have blasphemous and suicidal thoughts.I have fear of forgetting things. My head is full of negative thoughts. Please pray for me my spiritual guides.
Thank you
Alaykum Salam,
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham is praying for you. Allah does not task a soul beyond its ability; so, no matter how you feel tested, do not worry. Your reward is assured. Make dhikr with the Haqqani jamaah in your area and take bayaa if not already. In sha Allah you will improve.
Hajj Gibril Haddad