Prayer Request: Need My Soul Mate


Assalamu Alakium. My name is [private] Allah gave happiness in My life and same time tears also. Allah gave good parents and sibling. A person in my life his name [private]. We were in good relationship. I don’t know what happened to him. He is not talking to me and responding to anything if I call also he is disconnecting. I wanna marry him. Please if I did anything wrong forgive me. I want him in my life he gave all happiness to me but suddenly a different change from him because of Shatan. I want him in my life please he has to talk with me normally. Am not able to concentrate in anything my work and with parents. Am getting bad name from work location. Please Allah save me and get back my [private]. I hope he will come back to me with good mind.



wa `alaykum salam,

Please see Hajjah Faridah’s advice here.

See also “Prayer for finding my soul mate“.


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