I am a highly qualified woman and I have always had a good well paying job. I also started a small training company and until 2005 alhamdolillah i was earning. For twenty years I looked after my old and sick parents. After they have both died I am finding it impossible to earn a living. My training company is facing many delays. I have started a small school but I get no students. I really need to earn a living. Please pray for me. Job opportunities are limited because I have to look after my only child while my husband travels for work. Even his work is not permananent, We are both well educated but cannot seem to stabalize. I request your prayers.
wa `alaykum salam,
Per Hajjah Naziha’s recommendation for this situation:
Insha-Allah rizq will open to you too.
Recite Ya Razzaq 100 times daily;
Ya Fattah 100 times daily;
Ya Haleem 100 times daily;
Recite Salawat Darud 100-1000 times daily to take you out of your situation, and keep your daily five prayers, don’t stop the praying.