Prayer Request:Safe Passage


Assalamualykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Wa Maghfiratuhu wa Ridwanuhu Ya Sayyidi, Ya Mawlana, Ya Meded-ul Haq

May Allah Azza Wa Jalla raise your and Hajja’s darajaat. May He grant you and your loved ones healthy long lives. Aameen.

I am buried deep in the mines of arrogance, selfishness and laziness
Ya Sayyidi. I find in myself all the negative character traits you mention in your books. Ya Mawlana my nafs is stronger than ever as are the rest of my enemies.
Mawlana, I am disgusted with myself and frightened of my enemies.
Mawlana, I confess that I love thee not. I have tried but each time failed miserably.
Mawlana, you are my only hope. Ya Mawlana, a sinner comes seeking your forgiveness and help.
My Master please rescue me and grant me and mine safe passage.


I will pray for you to be patient. Salam

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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