Ya Sheikh Seyyed Hisham,
Asslamoo Alaikum Wr Wb,
May Allah Bless you with high stations and great blessings. Jazakallah for your prayers Ya sheikh. By the grace of Allah SWT and your prayers my coaching (transformational) program for youth to enable them to join civil services has started with good success. A good number of students are coming to join it. Please tell me some appropriate way to express my gratitude to Allah SWT. I need your prayers that may Allah SWT make this program a source of great success, khair, rizq, happiness and progress for all concerned. May Allah SWT grant me more energy, power and toufiq to guide the youth on right path and make them fully prepared for their goals. May Allah bless this program with great miraculous barakah, success, khair and development. JAZAKAALH KHAIR YA SEYYEDI.
wa `alaykum salam,
Slaughter a goat or sheep and feed the poor on Isra’ and Mi`raj and in every great occasion.
Hajj Gibril Haddad