Prayer Request: suffering


Assalamu allaikum. I’m so worried, I’m lonely some one I love isn’t talking to me. I’m unable to contact him directly. Once he was online for a second but I couldn’t talk to him because he broke my heart. I have never been lucky or blessed in any thing. Please pray for me. I can’t think of a life without him. I can’t imagine my life with another. I been waiting for an year for him without him I’m suffering. Now I don’t have heart to pray. I want to talk to him, see him & be married & live with him. I lost his number too. Please help. Though I have lot to do I’m doing nothing but worrying every day. I’m in love with him please help me to be married to him & live happily.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
Inshaa-Allah, you may follow Ustadh Abdul Shakur’s advice in the Post “For Love and Marriage.”


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