Prayer Request: To get married to this man


I know this man for 2.5 yrs.We deeply love each other, but last few months we wouldn’t stop fighting due to his jealousy and my past mistakes. Though after every fight, we come back talking/crying to each other. I cry day/night past 9 months. I feel tired sometimes. Yet I will hold on. I sincerely love him & hope to get married to him. Just before this man came to my life, I once dreamt of Mawlana in a natural resort (tall green trees, fresh nature, bird chirping & a very small lodge). He walked towards me, smiling & walked by & behind him came this man (wearing blue jeans & white shirt),the same one whom I love.

Please can you ask Mawlana Sheikh Nazim is this man the one for me ?

My name is: [private]
His name is: [private]


wa `alaykum salam,

He is right for you in the sense of marriage, not protracted engagement. Ask him once and for all if his intention is to marry to go ahead, otherwise move on.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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