Prayer Request: want to get married but confused


assalamualaikum ya shaykh

I am 29 years old, have a desire to get married but confused in choosing and undergoing. I am afraid to perform istikaharah prayers, because a few years ago, done istikharah and confident of the outcome, but it turns out she was married to someone else.

now, please help me ya Shaykh Hisham, to choosing (please hide the names of the following) I am [private] and there are some girls around me, their names are [private] (please hide my name and their names)
Please give me clue who one of them (or others) who would become my wife, sholehah wife and supports the belief and worship.
If my future wife was one of them, please mention her name ya shaykh.
please prayer for ease and success in later our marriage and our life in the world and the hereafter

wassalamualaikum wr wb


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah whichever one your heart feels good with, go ahead.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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