A Difficult Phase of Life


Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,
Blessings be on our Sultan Shaykh Nazim (Q.S), his family, near and dear ones as well as Shaykh Hisham.

Some very bitter truths in life have become too difficult for me to deal with. I’m not a materialistic person, have never asked of Allah (swt) things for dunya but recently in order to bring my life to a stable point, my confidence back, I’ve been making dua for some dunya for myself. Always used to make dua for those I loved and their success and Shukr Allah (swt) has always accepted /granted. Waiting for so long for Allah (swt) to accept this dua. Pls tell me if I’m doing something wrong? I would stop if I am but if not, may I request you to make dua for the acceptance. My heart is under a lot of burden, life has become too difficult for me. JazakAllah Khair


wa `alaykum salam,

Amin. Take heart, especially in this blessed Shaaban-Ramadan season and especially as a disciple of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah bless his secret) and someone who was granted many other blessings. View this as the time for testing Allah Most High chose for you and a stepladder to a better spiritual state. He is the All-Giver and our dua is already answered, but in the way and modality He chooses, not us. As for dunya, it is our duty to seek of His bounty so we can help ourselves and our dependents. Try your best without defeatism and help is nearer than you think inshaAllah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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