Asking about migration


Assalamu alaykum yaa Sayidi

I’d like to asking for my wife, she’s get order from company to go to some place for job and leave us for 1- 3 days. In this situation may I give her permission to go ?  She’ll go at 23 – 26 march 2011.
I read GranSyaikh suhba on 11 march 2011. he told us to move to some place from big city to small; where is the best place for us to go?
I am living in Jakarta now, and how if we’ve a job and family must we leave them and how if we still stay in our home and still doing our job like usually ? What will happen ? What do we have to do for this condition? Could you give us zikr for us to saving us for bencana alam?

Thank you Mawlana for your answer please pray for us ….


wa `alaykum salam,

Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is giving permission for your wife to make this brief trip, insha-Allah.

Do not make a sudden move without having job and living situation prepared ahead of time. There is still time, so you may begin to look for a suitable job and then place to live, outside the city. Consult with the Shaykh again once you have located something suitable, before any move.

Taher Siddiqui

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