Asslamualaikum Sayedi,
I wanted to ask a question regarding awrad. I have given bayaath to Sayedi last year however i have not started my daily awrad yet. I know that i should it is just i feel that i have not got the adab for awrad as i cannot even pray my salat sometimes due to traveling to university and back or other reasons. I try to make them up however due to this i feel that even though i can read the awrad daily inshallah i just have not go the correct adab for it as i feel that i am spiritually not strong enough and the lowest. In this situation what would one do is it better to read the awrad or wait until one is strong enough? I just do not want to show a lack adab by starting and just not showing enough adab.
The common reason why we miss the Awrad is plain laziness and a lack of love for it. Recite Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum after Fajr, Insha Allah the laziness will be lifted. Do the Awrad for Initiates and do your best not to miss your prayers.
Abdul Shakur