

Assalam Alaikum wa RahmatAllah wa Barakatuhu

I gave online bay’ah to Sheikh Nazim, RahmatAllah alaihi, just yesterday however I had reason to believe that it might not have gotten through. Last night however I had a dream in which I remember reciting words after a man who I assume now may perhaps have been a khalif of theirs but shaytaan then caused me to forget by entering his own whisperings after this dream had ended.

I want to know if I am now a follower of the Naqshbandi Tariqah as I believe myself to be or is it still undecided?

I apologise for the awkwardly worded question. JazaakAllah Khair.


wa `alaykum salaam,

Actions are by intentions and Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani does not turn anyone away, so you are accepted as a Naqshbandi mureed, in-sha-Allah. Keep the wird of the initiate and keep in touch with the Shaykh via

Taher Siddiqui

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