behaving in marriage and visit on Cyprus


what kind of mistakes are dangerous after and before getting married?
and what should I pay attention for?
and how could I be just to my wife cause I am a human being and I do mistakes?

according to my parents visit on Cyprus one of the Shaykhs wrote:
“On the other hand, don’t feel so shy about telling them, “while you are in Cyprus I hope you take the chance to visit my spiritual teacher, guru and healer, and I am sure you will enjoy the visit, he always serves wonderful food and especially loves to have Germans visit him.”

But I don’t have a spiritual teacher and never visited Cyprus so what could I tell them or do so that they find guidance on Cyprus


wa `alaykum salam,

Your parents may visit Mawlana Shaykh Nazim in Lefke, Turkish Cyprus. Even if you are not a murid, you may say he is a teacher whom you look up to and whom many western people love and admire.

As to the questions regarding marriage:

1) “marriage is half of faith, so fear Allah in the other half,” meaning avoid the prohibitions and perform the obligations.

2) Keep good relations with your wife’s family and let her also know yours.

3) No human being can be perfectly just but try your best. Nothing more is asked of you.

Taher Siddiqui

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