Assalam alaykom wr wb
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham once told me to do 1000 times hasbunAllah wa na`mal wakeel for past problems in my life. Later I asked a question regarding dreams on eshaykh and again he told me to do 1000 times hasbunAllah wa na`mal wakeel. I took this as a sign that my character is lacking in something that this dhikr will fix. Therefore, I try as much as possible to do more than 1000. Lately I’ve reached 10,000 per day. But because it is so extensive, I don’t have a chance to do any other dhikr, except awrad and 100 hasbunAllah RabbunAllah. My question is, is it better to do less hasbunAllah wa na`mal wakeel and choose other dhikrs to spend time with, or is it ok to continue with my concentration on hasbunAllah wa na`mal wakeel? Elhamdulillah I feel more tawakkul but I’m not there yet.
`Alaykum as-Salam,
May Allah reward you and increase your tawakkul. It is best to do just what Mawlana Shaykh prescribes. If he said 1,000 then one should stick to that, even if one feels one can do more. The whole point is not to do “much” but to do “regularly”; and to develop trust in our Shaykh’s guidance rather than in our own initiative. The point is “As you will” otherwise we will run into new difficulties.
Hajj Gibril Haddad