


Ya Sayyidi, forgive me, I want to get clarification about two things:

My brother is Naqshbandi told me that a person is spiritually divided to (in Indonesian language) “sukma, ruh & jiwa“, forgive me because I don’t know that terms are in English. Is it true? He also told me that the one which is traveling around is the one called “sukma“.

The other thing is about the “qarin“.

I have two perceptions about qarin, one person told me that qarin is bad, he always cheats on people. But the other one told me that “qarin” is sometimes good, other times is bad. Could you please explain to me?

When people die, then a person meet him/her in a dream, is it “qarin” that comes to dream or is it that person who died? How about if the one who is dead non Muslim?

Shukran ya Sayyidi



Alaykum Salam,

I will answer the first question. Please post single questions. Ruh we understand from Qur’an and Hadith. The rest is from Javanese traditional spirituality with influence from Hinduism and Buddhism to understand the workings of the body and its relationship with the various elements. It is weak knowledge, mixing right and wrong. Read if you like Imam Suyuti’s Sharhus Sudur for the correct perspective.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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