My entire body gets very cold when I do dhkir or supplicate after Praying. Also after doing dhkir everything around me brightens up and my palms seem to become very “white”. Is there any reason behind this or am I just imagining. Also please ask shaykh Hisham and shaykh Nazim to pray for me to never have any doubts that Islam is the true religion and to also never be misled by shaytan. I really need your blessings
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
Wa alaikum salaam,
This is angelic power running through and purifying your energy and dressing you. Recite “Ya Hafiz” 100x with intention of protection from inner and outer enemies. Wallahu Alam.
Kamau Ayyubi