first creation


Assalamualaikum ya sheikh,

This question is in regards to the saying of mawlana which I would like to confirm but most importantly understand. I once read in one of mawlana’s books I think it was, that the first ruh created was the ruh of Syedina Muhammad (peace be upon him) then from his ruh, the sultan ruh, was created the ruh of Syedina Abu Bakr As Siddiq (RadhiAllahu Anh), then our master mawlana sheikh Abdullah Al Faiz Ad Daghestani (QadasAllahu siruh) from his ruh. Is that a true statement of mawlana?


Alaykum Salam,

It is confirmed by the words of Shaykh Abd al-Aziz al-Dabbagh which I translated in the book The Muhammadan Light.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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