Fitna about Mowlana


salaam Mowlana Shaykh Hishamm…
there is a sister local to were I live who is trying to cause fithna… and saying wrong about Mowlana Sheik Nazim to other people so they loose faith…this is after a book she read, she said as follows….

” why dont you sufis question anything? I’m reading this book about Sheik Nazim and its so full of shirk and its scary… I will never be a sufi if this is the root to it id rather not be a party to comminting such unbelieveble shirk. and take myself out of islam…”

Since then I have kept myself away from this sister as I am Mowlanas doughter he even says it to me and I know me and Mowlana are connected and honestly I can not bare to hear such words being spread no I just cant… howeevr I fear this sister will be causing more fithna around.. please make dua may Allah keep us all under Mowlanas protection .. and also any advise on anything that could be done. also I’m struggling to take this matter out of my head and feel reli upset.. please advise…..could I speak to many other young sisters… so that this person does not fill there heads… I want to try and pass on all the goodness of Mowlana… and show our local sisters that this person causing fitna is completely wrong…


Allah said:

وَلَوْلَا إِذْ سَمِعْتُمُوهُ قُلْتُم مَّا يَكُونُ لَنَا أَن نَّتَكَلَّمَ بِهَذَا سُبْحَانَكَ هَذَا بُهْتَانٌ عَظِيمٌ

Wa lawla idh samitumuhu qultum ma yakunu lana an natakallama bihadha subhanaka hadha buhtanun `azheem
And why did ye not, when ye heard it, say? – “It is not right of us to speak of this: Glory to Allah. this is a most serious slander!” (an-Nur, 24:16)

See Contemporary Tasawwuf and Shariah for a response to what you mentioned, and similar issues. And the best thing is to avoid this person who has already shown you her evil intent:

بَدَتِ الْبَغْضَاء مِنْ أَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَمَا تُخْفِي صُدُورُهُمْ أَكْبَرُ

badat al-baghda’u min afwahihim wa ma tukhfi sudoorahum akbar…
Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths: What their hearts conceal is far worse.
(Aali-`Imran, 3: 118)

As for discussion with others, there is no need, she has already defeated herself, for Allah swt said: “Whoever opposes a wali of Mine, I declare war on him.”

W ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui
reviewed and approved by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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