food goes bad after burying murdered son


Salaams sheikh hope you are well?

Need some advice for a friend of mine who is a little puzzled at the moment. In summary basically his young brother 30 years of age was murdered about 12 weeks ago, only last week they finally got to read his janaza and buried him. Since they have buried him after two days anything they cook in the house goes off right away. He was telling me today his mother took fresh chicken out this morning cooked it and when serving it the food was off. They did a Khatam for him the other day and cooked fresh food for the Khatam and again this went off. He is a little puzzled as to why this is happening since the burial of his brother. Another example was that they brought milk one day and when using it the milk was off and this is happening with anything they are cooking or bringing to the house. He has had his fridge check out and all is working fine. Can you shed some light on this and give us some advice. Thank you shaykh if you can respond with some nasihah?

Ma salaama 


Let them repay any debt incurred by the murdered man including redress any right of someone he might have wronged. If after searching hard they cannot find, let them keep giving away qurban on his behalf until that situation changes. If they cannot afford it let them fast in penance and tawba on his behalf for two consecutive months.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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