Honouring the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihey Wa aalehey Wassalam)


Salam Alaykum Ya Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani,

May Allah’s Blessings be on you and all our Mashaykh. Ameen.

In the current times we are increasingly seeing incidents where people are disrespectful (gustakh) towards RasulAllah (Sallallaho Alayhe Wa Aalehey Wassalam). Astaghfirullah. I have been feeling very restless about some of the things that have been happening in Pakistan lately in that regard. It is shocking to see that so many Muslims don’t understand the meaning of ‘adab‘ and ‘muhabba‘ for RasulAllah (Sallaho Alayhe Wa Aalehey Wassalam). My question is that if someone commits a gustakhi infront of me, how should I respond? and will Allah and RasulAllah (Sallallaho Alayhe Wa Aalehey Wassalam) be angry with me as I am very weak and don’t know how to deal with such people and situations, although in my heart I feel a lot of pain and anguish when I hear such things.. JazakAllah.



`Alaykum as-Salam,

Our times mirror our own deficient state for we ourselves and the remedy is our own humbless and our own repentence to Allah as individuals outwardly and inwardly. When we succeed in practicing what our Naqshbandi Masters taught us time after time, namely the conviction that “I myself am worse than Fir`awn and Nimrod,” and that we are the first one not to understand the meaning of ‘adab‘ and ‘muhabba‘ for RasulAllah (Sallaho Alayhe Wa Aalehey Wassalam) and that we are the worst gustakhi of Rasul as Imam al-Busiri said in his Burda, at that time Allah will give us power to correct others also.

We are responsible for our `ibadah and salawat, so by increasing them we please Allah and He shall grant us bliss and satisfaction in the heart. They are our prescription for the problems you mentioned, not anger or judgment, which belong to Allah not to creatures. As Allah Most High said: {Allah suffices as Witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah} and {Allah suffices as the Expert over the sins of His servants}, {So take flight to Allah}.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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