I want to be more spiritual



Dear Nazim sahib and Hasim sahib

I want to be more spiritual please can you advise me what I need to do, I already pray 5 times a day and do tasbee reading. I want more knowledge about Islam and I have recently bought your book “The Healing Power” and “Angels Unveiled” which are great books Masshaallah. I really want more knowledge about angels and how healing can be done.

I also want to help my friends see the light in Islam as most of them are non-Muslim. What is the best way to help them to see Islam the way I do ? Please help


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah Shaykh Hisham will pray for you.

These two books you mentioned are excellent “openings” to people you wish to introduce to our Sufi Way, particularly non-Muslims. Do not pressure them to accept Islam, rather let it “grow on them”. For learning about “angelic” healing and spiritual energy, see nurmuhammad.com.

Taher Siddiqui

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