I want to know if i can be closer to Divine and Allah



As i have heard from many sources, Aulia-Allah knows and seek the future of anyone, My name is [private] and my father’s name is [private] before enrolling myself into any tariqah, i want to know that if i will be able to feel the divine bliss ever, moreover if the answer is yes than i want to know a wazifa because i have read that we shouldn’t take bait on anyone hand before doing an istikhara, i have read that by reading Durood Nariyah i will see my shaykh in the dream but as my family doesn’t want it so i cannot read it in front of them so i need a simple wazifa which i can do to find my Murshid or Shaykh chosen by Allah
Sorry for asking 2 questions at a time.
Jazak-Allah khairan


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
Please see here for an answer to your first question. As for your second question, see the Post “Who is my shaykh?


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