

I don’t have such a big case of paranoia, unlike others who hear noises and voices. However I mostly assume that people are talking behind my back and if I don’t get a reply of someone instantly I tend to assume that such a person is ignoring me. This is affecting me socially as well as emotionally. Seeing as I’m still a teenager I don’t want to grow up living like this. Is there anything I can pray to stop myself from being paranoid?


wa `alaykum salam,

Please seek the help of a trained and trusted counselor as soon as possible!! Insha-Allah they will work with you to overcome this condition. Some prayers that are helpful in overcoming fear are:

1. RabunAllah, HasbunAllah = Our Lord and Cherisher is Allah, Our Protector is Allah

2. Salawat

3. Allah Hadiri Allah Nadhiri Allah Ma`ee = Allah is present with me Allah is seeing me Allah is with me.

May Allah protect us always!

Dr. Bazaraa

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