Permission to read Hazrat Dawud Dua


Asalamwalaekum i have a serious complicated prob. my name is [private] i love a guy a lot. in beginning he was serious. Then later his parents rejected me and created lots of negativity in his mind. he started avoiding he says parents will not agree fr our mariage. now we are not in contact. i told about our relationship to my mom n frns. i really love him a lot n i want to marry him. pls give me permission to start hazrat dawud wazifa. n as the procedure of wazifa is given step 1 to 4 it should be done by a pious person other than subject. It means my mom should read this or me? Pls tel me properly as i am confused. n Pls shaykh saab pray for me I’m going thru tough time. I want his parents to come to my home with marriage proposal. and he should come back to me.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam,
There is general permission to use this dua. Steps 1-4 can be done either by you or by a trustworthy, pious person. It’s up to you.


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