Prayer Request: For Spiritual Healing


assalaamualaikum. my husband and i, we have been experiencing psychological, emotional and financial turmoil for may years and would be grateful for your prayers in overcoming these problems and bring love,peace,happiness and harmony in our lives. wassalaam.


wa `alaykum salam,
Insha Allah, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham will be praying for you. Part of our Naqshbandi practice is to recite morning “Ya Haleem” 100x to protect from anger and internal negativity, “Ya Hafiz” 100x to protect against external negativity. And recite “Ya Wadud” between 100x – 300x to increase in love for Allah and His Prophet s.a.w. and “Hasbunallah wa ni’mal wakeel” 100x, Insha Allah, you shall be fine because of that.

Abdul Shakur

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