Waking up at night


Selam Alejkum we Rahmetullah!

I have a question for the Sheikhs Mawlana Nazim. I often wake up exactly at three o’clock in the morning, for no reason. And I have a strange feeling mixed with fear. What is the meaning of this? I also often happens, that when I look at the clock I see the same numbers. For example: 4:44, 3:33, 11:11, 1:11, 5:55, and so on … And it happens quite spontaneously. I do not know what is the symbolism of it?

I ask Allah to grant health to Shaykh Mawlana Nazim.


`Alaykum Salam,

Make wudu‘ and pray two rakaat each time, then fear will be replaced by
familiarity and light in sha Allah. As for the clock, use it for blessings. Say la ilaha illallah Muhammadun Rasulullah every time you look at it because “omens” are meaningless and unimportant, but dhikr puts light into our lives and souls.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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