Asalaam-aleikum, is the website. I read his great articles. He used to profess complete vegetarian diet.
His followers called him Qutb of the current time when he passed away December 8, 1986 in Philadepphia , USA. Just like Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (r.a) and Garib Nawaz Khawja Moinuddin Chisti of Ajmer (r.a), India. He also established a mosque in Philadelphia. His Mazar is in coastville Pensylvania USA
Q1)What are your views about this Sheikh. Was he the Qutub ?
Q2) Who is the current Qutub after Bawa Muhaiyaddeen , where how to find him. ?
Q3) What is the significance of adopting a strict vegetarian diet ? Does eating animals give bad qualities of animals in us ?
Q4) Did the Prophet (Sal) and all Auliyas prefer vegetarian diet over meat though it is permissible to eat meat?
wa `alaykum salam
Please refer to the following posts:
1) Bawa Muhaiyadden
2) Who is Qutb of Universe Now?
3) Vegetarian
4) Sunnah Eating