

I just have a factual question.
in the dua of aytul kursi it says things like Ya Hin , Ya Haylan , Ya jawlan etc.
Isn’t this shirk? because your calling on someone elses name other than Allah? Please correct me if I am wrong and provide me proof.
Because Calling out for someone other than Allah is shirk.
Also I watched the video in Sufi live and I don’t understand where Mawlana got this dua from. MAwlana talks about his dream journey then all of a sudden talks about this new dua of aytul kursi.
Is this dua and what mawlana is doing according to Islamic shariah ?
Because no one has this dua of aytul kursi dua.


Shirk is to call other than Allah with a belief of worship or partnership. Otherise you may call upon whoever cam help in case of need. A hadith states: “call ‘o servants of Allah’ if you are stranded in a deserted place.” Meaning the mala’ika or believers among the jinn will help you. In any case you should not use this dua as its precondition is belief in its validity, which you obviously lack.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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