Constant fear of death and anxiety



My questions is in regards to the field of sihr.I developed a state where I constantly think I am going to die and I constantly predict this. Alhamdulillah, this has gotten better. However, the first time this happened I woke up with the thought in my head that I would die at the age of 22. This was several years ago. I just recently remembered this situation- it was as though someone whispered it to me. I now cannot function in my daily life and college obligations since my 22nd birthday is in two and a half months. Are these waswasas or can I really have gotten some sort of message to predict my own death? Is there some special ayat I should read to get these thoughts out of my head?

Jazakumullahukhayran! May Allah bless you with the best in both worlds. Ameen!


wa `alaykum salam,

Follow the advice that Shaykh Gibril has given in the following posts:
Waswas on Mind


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