Seeing Rasulallah Sallallaahu alaihi wassalam in a dream?


Assalamalikum Shaykh Hisham and all respected Eshaykh staff.
I am confused by an argument of a friend that he says only people who saw rasool allah while they are awake can only see him in their dream!
He quotes the following hadith “Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard the Prophet saying, “Whoever sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, and Satan cannot imitate me in shape.” Abu ‘Abdullah said, “Ibn Sirin said, ‘Only if he sees the Prophet in his (real) shape.’” [Sahih Bukhari – Book #87, Hadith #122].He says if satan cant take the shape of rasulullah he can take the shape of any other human and state himself as prophet?plz explain the hadith especially the last line said by Ibn sirin!

Jazkallah khayrun


wa `alaykum salam,

See the Post “Dream: Awliya or Jinnah“.


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