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Tag Archives: Amana ar-Rasula
Pregnancy Pains
I am about 24 weeks pregnant and this is my third pregnancy and have a very bad backache and am struggling very much with the pain! Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged Amana ar-Rasula, easy delivery, physical pain, pregnancy advice
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What Surah to read when you making Fateha for the deceased?What Surah to read when you making fateha for the deceased?
I was wondering if you can tell me what surah to read when we have prepared food for Fateha for the deceased to send them Eesaal e Sawaab? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged Amana ar-Rasula, cemetery, deceased, recite Quran, Surat al-Mulk, Surat ar-Rahman, Surat Ya Sin
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What Surah to read when you making fateha for the deceased?
i saw a black shadow of a man last night standing over me and i was in a lock i couldn’t move. also i feel i’m loosing the energy to be positive all the time. i feel life is getting dull. i feel pretty useless… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged Amana ar-Rasula, Ayat al-Kursi, five daily prayers, halal sustenance, negative energy, protection from jinn, shadowy figures, Three Quls, wudu
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Dream: Uncle asks me about tariqa
At Monday night about 03.00 AM I dream meet with my uncle and cousin… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Amana ar-Rasula, arm, Ayat al-Kursi, blow, cousin, Holy Qur'an, mouth, naqshbandi, salat, silat ar-rahm, silsila, Surat al-Falaq, Surat al-Fatiha, Surat al-Ikhlas, Surat an-Nas, tasbih, uncle
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Dream: amanara rasoolRêve: amanara rasool
I had a dream where i meet a man who is dressed in a white ihram, his head is shaved and he is also clean shaved and his height is medium or small.he walks with me and starts to read the last ayats of sura baqra (amanara rasool).[fr]J’ai rêvé que je rencontrais un homme habillé dans un ihram blanc, sa tête est rasée ainsi que sa barbe, il est de taille moyenne ou petite…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Amana ar-Rasula, ihram, Surat al-Baqara
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Rêve: amanara rasool