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Tag Archives: `Ayesha
Covering the face whilst in Ihram
I am hoping to perform hajj this year Insha Allah, I know that there is a hadith that states women should not cover their faces while in ihram… Continue reading
Posted in Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
Tagged `Ayesha, cover face, faces, gloves, hadith, hajj, hands, ihram, jilbab, niqab, non-mahram men, penalty, permissible, riders, South Africa, women
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Hadith about a Child’s Gender
The “male” and “female” fluids mentioned are not parent-differentiated Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged `Abd Allah ibn Salam, `Ayesha, Anas ibn Malik, chromosomes, egg, gender, hadith, Ibn `Abbas, Ibn al-`Arabi al-Maliki, Imam Ahmad, Imam al-Qurtubi, resemblance, Sayyidina Musa, science, sex, sperm, Thawban
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