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- I am 30 years old guy who is unemployed, unmarried, no friends
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- Wa-kana haqqan 'alayna nasr al-mu'minin.
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Tag Archives: burden
To start a new life
I am in need of your prayers. I have returned home after my divorce and feel like a burden on my family… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged bad memories, burden, danger, dangerous, divorced, ex-husband, memories, parents, Qatar, re-marry, thoughts
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Dream: Carrying mother on the back
I dreamt I was carrying my mother or grandmother ( I cannot remember which one) on my back and showing her places she used to bring me to. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged back, burden, hasbunallah, old age, parents, relieve burdens, support
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Obeying the ‘Law of the Land’
Question: What are the evidences for those who say that it is obligatory to obey the laws of the land ? In England for example it is against the law to drive without car insurance, yet some people hold this … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged burden, duress, halal, haram, hijab, insurance, law of the land, taklif
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