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Tag Archives: dirty thoughts
Prayer Request: Evil thoughts out of control…
I have a decease in my heart and do not know what to do anymore I’m like in a big battle… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged clean heart, Colored Station, dirty thoughts, disk drive, evil thoughts, hard-drive, insinuations, istighfar, Maqam at-Talween, negative images, negativity, pure heart, purification, satanic promptings, Satanic whispers, Shaytan, vile thoughts, waswas, waswasa, whispers
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Nafs issues
I have been in and out of following the way , but cannot stand being out again. I need help please… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged concentration, dhikr, dirty thoughts, dunya, focus, lustful thoughts, nafs, righteous people, salat, shirk, wives of the righteous, women
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