Tag Archives: drinking alcohol
No legal punishment for adultery & drinking?
A question was asked about repentance for adultery & drinking. Mawlana Sh. Haddad, while answering wrote: “There is no legal punishment (hadd) for these offenses in our time. However, the following four are required…” Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged drinking alcohol, hadd, legal punishment, zina
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Is it ok to drink non Alcoholic beer?
There are some beers being sold in the marketplace that says it’s alcohol free. I have researched and found that they are not really 100%… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcoholic content, beverages, drinking alcohol
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Domestic Guidence
My husband regularly drinks and have no love for me. He do not want to live with me. Now I am at my mother home and want him to take me at his home… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged alcoholism, drinking alcohol, marriage problems, sabr, troubled marriage
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Alcohol Addiction
I am told I come from the lineage of the Prophet, alhumdulillah. I have recently taken bayyah online from the Sheikh – Alhumdulillah he has accepted it… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged addiction, alcohol, alcohol consumption, Allah's Wrath, astaghfirullah, control, drinking alcohol, evil actions, istighfar, right path, uncontrollable, will power
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