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Tag Archives: hadir nadhir
Online course Wahabi teachings
In online islamic course, found teachers saying that Prophet(saw) cannot hear salams unless we go to his (saw) grave Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Belief & Doctrine, Sunnah
Tagged `ilm al-ghayb, hadir nadhir, Prophet's knowledge of the Unseen, Ziyara to Prophet (s)
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Prophet Haazir Naazir
1) Is the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) alive in the grave ? and,
2) What is the meaning of the concept ” Haazir / Naazir “ Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `ilm al-ghayb, Asma was-Siffat, Divine Attributes, hadir nadhir, knowledge of the unseen, Omnipresence of Prophet (s), presence of Prophet Muhammad (s), Prophetic attribute, Siffat
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Deobandis and Tablighi Jama`atQuestion: Les sectes Tablighi Jamat et Déobandis
Please tell me whether tablighi jamaat and deobandi who are being supported monetarily by wahabi and salafi in Asia and worldwide.[fr]Pouvez-vous me dire SVP pourquoi vous ne voulez pas décrire tablighi jamaat comme étant sur la mauvaise voie alors que tablighi jamaat…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, Deobandi, funded, hadir nadhir, istighatha, knowledge of unseen, misguidance, misguided, one voice, Salafi, solution, Tablighi Jama`at, unity, Wahabi
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Question: Les sectes Tablighi Jamat et Déobandis