Tag Archives: harm
Use of animals in testing medicine
Q: I wonder if the prohibition is specific for putting frogs in medicine or is general for the killing of animals to be made into medicine? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged animals, antibodies, clinical trials, cloning, consumption, ethical issues, farming, harm, human anatomy, human beings, insulin, killing, medical ethics, medicine, research, serum, sources, stem-cell, testing, torment
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Q: Is it permissible to take revenge on a person who may have really hurt you or harmed you, intentionally or unintentionally, or is not allowed in Islam? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged acceptance, forgiveness, harm, hurt, injury, justice, law, lesson, qisas, revenge
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Healthy Cigarette?
Q: I was surprised reading a news paper today that there is a pesantren lead by a shaykh (and also Kyai) in Indonesia who teach their mureeds to make a healthy cigarette, they said they are using many herbs that is useful for people. Now their business is good … Continue reading