Tag Archives: individual obligations
The permissibility of using jinn that have been captured
I live in area where people going into seclusion for the reason of capturing jinn for use in their daily lives…. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged individual obligations, non-mu'min jinn, traps of shaytan, world of Jinn
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Dream: Mawlana Sheikh Nazim
I saw [private] with some women talking about me. Then that women led me to Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. There was another guy of my age… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adab with awliya, individual obligations, mawlana in dream
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Study in London
I am hoping to complete learning of Shar’ia to a fard-‘ayn level and was previously following the diploma offered by SunniPath. I am following Imam Shafi’i’s madhad… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged higher education, higher studies, individual obligations, jurisprudence, mandatory
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