Tag Archives: khitan
Circumcision for Revert
I reverted to Islam in 2003 and took bayat with Maulana Sh Nazim at the same time. Since then i have been asked by my wife to have a circumcision as she was under the opinion that it was obligatory. Continue reading
Female circumcision
Q: Female circumcision is islamic? or cultural, from africa?[fr]Q: Female circumcision is islamic? or culutral, from africa?[/fr] Continue reading
female circumcision
Q: I hear a lot about female circumcision in Islam and wondered why if women have to do it why is it not widespread among Muslim women, or is the practice of mainly Africans Egypt etc. Continue reading
The Origin of Circumcision
Question: What is the origin of circumcision? Answer: What I heard from my shaykhs is that circumcision was begun by our father Adam. It was a tax he imposed upon his body after he committed his mistake, and Allah knows … Continue reading