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Tag Archives: porn
Thoughts of Houris leads me to watch Porn
I have in the past made many sincere tawba, resolutions to stop watching porn, tried to fast, etc but it seems to be getting worse rather than better nothing is working. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Health, Marriage/Divorce
Tagged 12-step, bad habit, blaming, Houris, jihad an-nafs, lower desires, porn
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Extremely suicidal and other problems
I was thinking for a very long time to write a letter to ask questions that have accrued over the past years. So instead of writing different emails to ask each question I am asking all the questions I have in this single email. Since there are number of questions asked here, it will be alright of Hazrat takes time to fully address the questions. I can wait for the answers but I would be highly obliged if I get deep and meaningful answers. Continue reading
About Facebook
Question: Is it true that one who uses facebook will not see Prophet Muhammad (S)? Answer: Shaykh Hisham’s Jumu`ah khutba: Raise Your Children to Love the Prophet (s)! 5 August 2011 Burton, Michigan Jumu`ah Khutbah at As-Siddiq Mosque We are … Continue reading
What should I do?What should i do?
I am pregnant and my husband is scared to have sex with me, but he watches porn on the Internet. What should I do, and how can I help him to stop? Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Women's Issues
Tagged blessed marriage, haram act, husband's duties, porn, pregnant, sex, sexual relations, unborn baby
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What should i do?
Use of internet sites
Sayeddi with your permission I just want to ask that is the use of sites like Facebook is forbidden according to Islamic laws? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged children, facebook google, harm, porn, pornography, youtube
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