Tag Archives: shifa
Is homeopathy halal for chronic disease
I found fatwa that using homeopathy is haram in internet,as it’s medicine contains alcohol and other things. Continue reading
My Mother is suffering from a disease due to which s is not able to speak and eat. Continue reading
Prayer Request: 3 year old daughter having cancer
I have a 3 year old daughter suffering from cancer. Her cancer was diagnosed 1.5 years ago but during her treatment her cancer has returned last month. Continue reading
My life has become a hellmy life become a hell
Slm, Sir I’m from Karachi, Pakistan. I want to become mureed of Molanas of this organization. My mother is suffering from SLE N RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS for 2 years. Tell me any dua so she get well soon. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Prayer for shifa
My sister who has 2 small children, has a heart problem, I am very much worried for her, please sayyidi help her, make dua for her, so that Allah give her fast recovery and good health. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Satan and curses
A friend of mine has been cursed by a lady he was engaged to put a curse on him because he left her, and now he is blind in both eyes… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For my Father’s Health
My father is heart patient, so please pray for his health. Can you also tell us some wazifa? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Cronic eyes problems
I’m in great despair and has lost hope for getting syifai as I had tried numerous places to get treated.Ya Wali Allah I’m having eyes problems since I was 5… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Disease & Extreme Fatigue
I was diagnosed with the zona disease at the last day of the month of Ramadan and suffering since from extreme fatigue and terrible pain that make me unable to function… Continue reading