Tag Archives: social networking
Facebook Users
I have been told that our beloved maulana shaykh Nazim (may Allah give him long life) has asked us not to use facebook. Is this true… Continue reading
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Tagged facebook users, internet addiction, social networking
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Introducing Naqshbandy Haqqani in Twitter or similar mediaIntroduire la tariqa Naqshbandi Haqqani sur Twitter ou les reseaux sociaux
Q: What is the best way to introduce the teaching of Maulana Sheikh Nazim in Twitter or similar media? [fr]Quelle est la meilleure manière d’introduire les enseignements de Mawlana Sheikh Nazim sur twitter et autres medias similaires? [/fr] Continue reading
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Tagged Haqqani Fellowship, haqqanisoul, internet, social networking, twitter
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Introduire la tariqa Naqshbandi Haqqani sur Twitter ou les reseaux sociaux