Tag Archives: spousal rejection
Major Marriage Problems
We have a 10 month old son and have been married for almost 2 years. After becoming pregnant with our son I discovered he was with me for only a green card… Continue reading
Coping with past
I was used to fulfill this man’s lower self desires for 3 months and then was dumped by them and sad part is that his mother and sisters etc were also involved in his preplanning…. Continue reading
How to Save Marriage
Question: I am married and have two children of almost appeared to me problems with my husband because he does not come home on time from work and go to another lady. Please advice for the preservation of marriage and … Continue reading
re: Husband’s Betrayal
Iiam still dealing with a lot of anger, hatred and repulsion towards my husband—anger that his actions have led to my current state of getting an STD…. Continue reading