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Tag Archives: Sunnah
method of cutting nails
Q: What is the correct way of cutting nails according to fiqhi teachings. I heard that you should begin with index finger and end with the thumb. please advise. Continue reading
Lunar Eclipses
Q: Inshallah in North America, we will observe a lunar eclipse on Dec 21. The question comes in two parts: Is there any specific meaning to a lunar eclipse in Islam? Is there any specific prayer from the Sunnah to take advantage of this event?
Answer: Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer, Sunnah
Tagged Eclipse Prayer, kusuf, lunar eclipse, Salat al-Kusuf, Sunnah
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Dream: Seeing Rasool’Allah (SAW) gesturing me to follow Him (SAW)
Dream: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim I reverted to Islam in 2005 and took baya’t in 2008. As revert, I regularly made dua that Allah would increase my love and knowledge of Sayiduna Rasool’Allah (SAW) During Ramadaan also 2008, after offering my … Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dimension, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sunnah, waking vision
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beard and it importance
Q: What is the importance of beard in Islam? Would those facing their faces be punished for that act on doomsday? Continue reading
Dream: After Reading Mercy Oceans
After reading Mercy oceans, I had long dream where i was travelling in many places. At one point I was in space and passing by many planets and in front of each planet there is 2 shaykhs, one standing and one kneeling. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged aliens, Mercy Oceans, planets, Prophet Muhammad (s), space, space travel, Sunnah
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Dua for hardship found in Dailami
Question: As salaamu alykum My greetings to our beloved Shaykh Nazim, Sultanal-Awliya, may Allah grant him a long life and greetings to all his deputies. I must commend everyone on such a superb website, may Allah reward everyone involved. Amin … Continue reading
Dream: green vegetables
I saw in a dream that i brought a vegetable, which was green, very prominent GREEN… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bright green, fitra, paradise, Sunnah
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Q: I have heard that muslim men can wear only silver rings of a weight of 4 grams but I see many ulema wearing rings which look like more than 4 grams. Continue reading
Newborn baby hair
Q: Please can you tell me the best way to dispose of my babies hair? Do I bury it? Continue reading
Sunnah of hair
What is the sunnah of having long hair exactly? Continue reading