Tag Archives: tabarruk
Khulafa of Mahdi ‘Alaihi Salaam
Question: Salam,i I want to seek permission for reciting names of khulafa and generals of Imam Mahdi as well as Rijal al-Ishraqiyun for seeking blessings.They were dictated by Shaykh Hisham in one of his Speeches. Please grant me the permission of … Continue reading →
Posted in Permission, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged baraka, Imam Mahdi (as), tabarruk
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Bayah & Participation in other Sufi Orders
If you do bayah with shaykh nazim can you be part of the mevlevi, shadhili and qadri tariqts and do their dhkir as well. Continue reading →
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged baya`, different tariqahs, Khatm Khawajagan, Naqshbandi Sufi Way, tabarruk
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